

Page history last edited by David Goldsmith 16 years ago

The ACF water shed has an ongoing contentious legal history of conflict between the three states.


Florida DEP "Timeline of Action" - Brief descriptions of major legal proceedings and links to briefs on the cases.


Text of H.R. 2650: Restore the Apalachicola River Ecosystem Act - Text of act.


Water Wars: Eastern Style - J.B. Ruhl, FSU Law, Concise history of legal and engineering challenges faced by the ACF basin. 10 pages, good overview.


Equitable Apportionment of Ecosystem Services - J.B. Ruhl, FSU Law, discussion of legal issues facing the interstate conflict over the rivers, section V provides a possible solution to the problem of ecological value in Florida and its balance with the economic value of the waters in Georgia, and section VI attempts to describe a "merging" of the ecological and economic needs of the states into a comprehensive policy.


Army Corps 1992-1995 Survey


CRS Report for Congress

Thought disucssion of issues and problems facing the ACF basin, issues March 2008.

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