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Page history last edited by David Goldsmith 15 years, 7 months ago

The ACF water shed has an ongoing contentious legal history of conflict between the three states.


Florida DEP "Timeline of Action" - Brief descriptions of major legal proceedings and links to briefs on the cases.


Text of H.R. 2650: Restore the Apalachicola River Ecosystem Act - Text of act.


Water Wars: Eastern Style - J.B. Ruhl, FSU Law, Concise history of legal and engineering challenges faced by the ACF basin. 10 pages, good overview.


Equitable Apportionment of Ecosystem Services - J.B. Ruhl, FSU Law, discussion of legal issues facing the interstate conflict over the rivers, section V provides a possible solution to the problem of ecological value in Florida and its balance with the economic value of the waters in Georgia, and section VI attempts to describe a "merging" of the ecological and economic needs of the states into a comprehensive policy.


Army Corps 1992-1995 Survey


CRS Report for Congress

Thought disucssion of issues and problems facing the ACF basin, issues March 2008.

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