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The sizes of Georgia industries

Page history last edited by PBworks 15 years, 8 months ago

Agriculture related industry size summary (2003) [1]


Commodity Farm Gate Value % of Georgia Total
Broilers $3,344,564,818 33.92%
Cotton $804,350,843 8.16%
Timber $547,412,057 5.55%
Eggs $482,957,791 4.90%
Horses $376,252,500 3.82%
Beef $368,494,810 3.74%
Peanuts $364,846,048 3.70%
Greenhouse $252,070,467 2.56%
Dairy $240,314,453 2.44%
Container nursery $171,569,312 1.74%



Buisiness and Industry summary (2003) [1]:


Public Company Revenue (in billions)
Home Depot Inc. $78.83
United Parcel Service Inc. $40.47
Coca-Cola Company $22.98
BellSouth Corporation $20.45
Coca-Cola Enterprises $18.62
Delta Air Lines Inc. $15.69
AFLAC Inc. $14.24
Southern Company $13.11
Genuine Parts Company $9.63
SunTrust Banks $7.4


Cotton industry

Cotton is one of the leading cash flow crop in Georgia. In 2007, the production was 1.66 million bales of cotton at an estimated market value of $400.8 million. Nationally, Georgia is ranked second in cotton production in a land area of 1.03 million acres. In 1914, crop area has been 5.15 million acres [2].


  • Economic impact of Georgia Cotton Industry (Report)
  • USDA June 2008 Acreage Report (Plantings Report) (Source: National Cotton Council, www.cotton.org)


Peanut industry

Georgia is the number-one peanut-producing state in the country, accounting for approximately 45 percent of the crop's national acreage and production. In 2005 Georgia farmers harvested 755,000 acres of peanuts, the official state crop, for a yield of 2.2 billion pounds.


Georgia Garden and Plant Nurseries

Georgia has 406 nurseries.



[1] http://www.georgiaencyclopedia.org/nge/QuickFacts.jsp?id=Top_10_Commodities&action=open#idTop_10_Commodities

[2] http://www.georgiacottoncommission.org/index.cfm?show=10&mid=6



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